Employee Badge Designer

Vertical Employee Badge #1

Vertical Employee Badge #1

Card as Shown Contains the Options:
- Graphics Quality PVC Card
- Slot Punch for Attachments

Compatible file extensions to upload: jpg

Maximum image width: 2500 px.

Maximum image height: 2500 px.

Compatible file extensions to upload: jpg

Maximum image width: 2500 px.

Maximum image height: 2500 px.

Maximum 40 characters

Maximum 40 characters

Maximum 35 characters

This listing is for an employee-style ID badge design from IDCreator.com. Something you don't like? Go ahead and click 'Customize This Template' to begin making changes. And don't forget that changes can also be saved and used whenever you need them. This way you can create completely unique templates for your organization but still get our stellar designs! Create as many separate 'identities' for each card as you want. This template has a vertical orientation.
More Information
Manufacturer EasyIDea
Quantity in Pack 1
Orientation Vertical